Student Leadership
In this section

Montmorency Secondary College develops leadership skills in young people.
Montmorency Secondary College prides itself on having a student leadership program that both gives our students a voice and develops an awareness of the needs of our local and wider school community. Within this context students are encouraged to work cooperatively with their peers and members of the community to create and participate in programs aimed at raising awareness and developing social consciousness. These experiences give our students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills.
The Program:
Is inclusive, involving students across all year levels. Students nominate every year to be part of the program and there is no limit to the number of students who can be involved
Is an active Student Representative Council (SRC) with one in three students participating
Supports and advocates for the charities selected by the broader school body and organizes the team participation in events such as the Cancer Council’s Relay for Life
Has developed a strong philanthropic philosophy raising much needed money for reputable charities that impact on the students and families of our College community as well as the wider community
Allows student leaders to run all school events such as Whole School Assemblies, House Events, Primary School Leadership Days and Open Night tours
Benefits from a large number of ex-students who volunteer their time to organise programs and to model effective leadership to our students
Student opportunities:
Leadership camps and conferences that run both internally and externally, such as the end of year SRC Conference, Ylead, VicSRC Congress and Lord and Lady Somers Camp
A range of leadership roles that can be applied for each year (see overleaf for positions)
Plan and facilitate our Primary School Leadership Days
Speak at events such as ANZAC Day, assemblies, Open Night, House events as well as representing our College at a range of local and national forums
Become a Bigger Buddy and mentor a group of Year 7 students
Meetings held with peers, staff and members of the Principal team
Writing proposals and budgets for activities to be submitted to School Council and Finance Committee
Represent their peers in College forums such as Education Sub-Committee, Uniform Committee and Canteen Committee