Transitioning to Year 7
Montmorency Secondary College ensures students experience a seamless and challenge-free transition from primary school to secondary school. For some students, adjusting to change can be a little overwhelming, and we strive to ensure each student’s move to secondary school is a happy, secure and enjoyable experience.
At Montmorency Secondary College, ensuring a smooth and happy transition from primary to secondary school is a priority for all our teaching and support staff. New students to the College undertake a comprehensive induction program that quickly familiarises them with their new school and surroundings. To enhance their sense of identity and belonging, Year 7 students enjoy a designated learning area that includes lockers inside their homeroom and a designated play area on campus.
Following an extensive consultation process, students are placed in Home Groups with a specialist Home Group teacher and often enjoy the company of some of their friends from their Primary School. Positive partnerships exist between our local primary schools and the College to ensure a smooth and well-informed transition for each child. Year 7 Home Group teachers support and care for their students and monitor their wellbeing and progress. Home Group teachers also provide a strong and caring link between the College, students, and families. An adventure camp early in the year consolidates relationships between staff and students and allows them to develop and strengthen friendship groups.