About the College
Welcome to Montmorency Secondary College
Montmorency Secondary is located in the North Eastern Metropolitan region of Melbourne, Australia. Committed to developing ‘Best Practice’ in the design and delivery of a quality educational environment, where safety, personal development and welfare are paramount for all stakeholders. We believe in the value and empowerment of life long learning, seeking to model the same by making every effort to be current with new learning technologies and methodologies.
A Secondary College with access to a wide range of curriculum and technological resourses. The College Community takes great pride in its ability to be at the forefront of educational initiatives. Our College Council and Teaching staff are committed to ensuring that each student has access to a challenging curriculum, supported by high quality teaching, designed to nurture the potential of each student.
"Pride in Achievement"

Courage: being able to face difficulty and uncertainty without being overcome by fear or being deflected from a chosen course of action
Friendship: a mutual feeling of trust and affection that obligates people to “be there for each other”
Achievement: having a dream or aspiration and acknowledging the milestones reached along the way
Trust: we believe in ourselves and each other and rely on each other in all circumstances
Happiness: the satisfaction and contentment that comes from developing and maintaining positive relationships with others
Teamwork: being committed to work co-operatively towards a common vision

Vision Statement
Montmorency Secondary College aims to be a dynamic, responsive learning community; dedicated to ensuring everyone has the best possible opportunity to achieve their intellectual, social and physical potential. The school focuses on forging a learning partnership of teachers and students; with thinking strategies and intelligent behaviours integral parts of the curriculum design, delivery and assessment. We will actively work to produce engaging and challenging programs that provide meaningful and satisfying outcomes.
Our core values will be reflected in the professional and personal behaviour of members of the school community. We are a learning community committed to continuous improvement with a proactive and compassionate approach to change. We believe education works best when in active partnership with parents and the wider community. We value this partnership, recognising the diversity and strength this brings to supporting mutually beneficial initiatives that provide meaningfully for our students' education.
Collegial interaction and support is encouraged and valued through clear communication and professional reflection. We seek a balance of visionary leadership and strategic management, creating a shared responsibility for the growth and success of the school’s goals through mentoring, coaching, relevant skills development, personal growth and empowerment. Broad-based participation, accountability and involvement is actively supported & encouraged.
Montmorency Secondary College is committed to developing ‘Best Practice’ in the design and delivery of a quality Educational environment, where safety, personal development and welfare are paramount for all stakeholders. We believe in the value and empowerment of life long learning, seeking to model the same by making every effort to be current with new learning technologies and methodologies.
Our core purpose is to encourage and promote success and excellence in our students; to create a sense of culture and community; one that fosters the best in all.