Middle Years (Years 8 & 9)
The curriculum program in Years 8 and 9 is structured differently from that in Year 7. It gives students more choice in their study subjects and allows for structured extension and remediation opportunities.
All Year 8 and 9 students cover the curriculum essentials (English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Language and PE / Health) in year-level-based Home Group classes, but they also have access to four elective learning units per year. This structure allows students to tailor their course to extend their learning in specific areas of expertise and interest.
This elective block includes three semester-length Challenge Learning Units at each year level in English, Mathematics and Science. These Challenge subjects are designed to extend and enhance students’ understanding and appreciation of the subject area and further develop their higher-order thinking skills. Entry into these units is by invitation only, based on student’s work habits and academic results in the relevant subject in the previous semester or year.
At Montmorency Secondary College, we also provide structured opportunities, within the Year 8 and 9 elective frameworks, for students who need extra assistance with English and Mathematics. To improve literacy or numeracy skills, the College offers Bridging English and Bridging Maths. Entry into these units is also by invitation, subject to testing and assessment of individual work habits in the previous year.