College Council


College Council plays a key role in College governance and supporting the Principal in providing the best possible educational outcomes for students.  It has a particular function in establishing and monitoring the College’s direction and has three main responsibilities:

  • Finance: overseeing the development of the College’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the College’s financial operation
  • Strategic Planning: participating in the development and monitoring of the College strategic plan
  • Policy Development and Review: developing, reviewing and updating policies that reflect our College values and support our College’s broad direction outlined in our strategic plan.

Other key functions of College Council include:

  • raising funds for school related purposes
  • maintaining school grounds and facilities entering into contracts
  • reporting annually to the College community and the Department
  • creating interest in the College in the wider community
  • representing and taking the views of the community into account
  • regulating and facilitating after-hours use of College premises and grounds

The Montmorency Secondary College Council consists of 15 members:

  • 7 elected parent members
  • 4 elected staff members
  • College Principal as Executive Officer
  • 2 elected student members 
  • 1 community co-opted member 

It is led by the President supported by the Vice President, Secretary and the Treasurer and the Business Manager is a permanent observer.

Council meets at least eight times a year, normally on a Wednesday evening.

There are three sub-committees of College Council that meet regularly or as required to facilitate the business of College governance.  These are:

  • Finance Committee
  • ESCOM (Education Sub-Committee of Montmorency Secondary College)
  • Buildings and Grounds Committee

2025 College Council Elected Members


Dannielle Smith

Vice President

Kelly Rogel


Danielle Smith

Executive Officer (Principal)

Frances Ibbott

Parent Representative

Jenny Young

Parent Representative

Mary Koukourkis

Parent Representative

Mary Vescio

Parent Representative

Graham Dixon

Student Representative

Ruby Dixon

Student Representative

Brayden Dimmack

Elected D.E.T Members – (staff)

Staff Member

Clara Di Biase

Staff Member

Mark Lohrey

Staff Member

Michael Wedding

Staff Member

Joshua Perez

Business Manager

Lisa Ball

Minute Secretary

Stephanie Roberts