Senior Years (Years 10 - 12)
In Senior School, there is continued emphasis on students developing a strong work ethic and taking responsibility for their learning. We aim to provide each student with the challenge and motivation necessary to develop into independent, self-reliant learners.
The College offers an extensive range of subjects across Years 10-12 and actively supports opportunities for students to select an accelerated subject from the year level above if they are ready. Consequently, Year 10 students can accelerate into a Year 11 subject and Year 11 students can elect to study a Year 12 subject. Approximately 40% of our Year 10 and Year 11 cohorts take up this opportunity to accelerate. This acceleration is further supported by aligning these students in a Home Group of accelerating students, allowing this time to incorporate strategies and support for learning.
Along with an academically exciting and comprehensive VCE course of study, students are also provided with the opportunity to pursue alternative educational pathways. These include VCE Vocational Major (VM) and VET (Vocational Education Training).
Montmorency Secondary College takes great pride in the large number of our students who complete their senior years of schooling and achieve the results they require to enter their preferred tertiary education or career pathway. The College offers excellent counselling and support structures to maximise student opportunities. This support includes comprehensive and highly skilled career advice made available to students and their parents when selecting a course of study that best accommodates their interests and future career pathways.
Every student is treated as an individual at Montmorency Secondary College. We believe students have the right to be offered a range of study choices during their senior years, providing the potential for a successful and fulfilling future.